World Population

The site was created to preserve the environment and its natural resources for the benefit of people, families, and future generations. Unfortunately, with exploding population growth, excessive consumption on the part of the more well-off people in the world, errant technology, and corrupt governments, the environment is in trouble and the sustainability of the people of our planet is threatened. The site collects the latest news and information about the issue.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Milestone in America's Population

The milestone is fueled by a growing number of births and immigrants, and is causing many people to take a closer look at who we are, and where the country is headed. At Wesley Medical Center, a child is born almost every hour. Nationwide, there is a birth every seven seconds, somebody dies every 13 seconds, and two new immigrants arrive every minute. Xavier and Anthony are two of Wichita's newest additions; between the time each were born, at approximately 6:45 a.m. central time, the population reached 300 million. The number and time are U.S. Census Bureau estimates. There are thousands of children born in recent days who could be the true 300-millionth. Even if we never know who the true 300-millionth person is, Census takers predict he is probably a Latino boy, born in California.

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